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WEBINAR Post-Biotics in Poop (Sponsored by Thaena)

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Dr. Piper Dobner presents... The microbiome plays a critical role in the health and happiness of our patient populations. As naturopathic doctors, we know the gut is the center of health, and at that center resides an organ system called the microbiome. This organ system has mass implications to health and is under constant attack via environmental and medical exposures (pesticides and pharmaceutical medications). What we do to support, restore, and regain health in the microbiomes of our patients is imperative to their success and health outcomes. Many of us are aware of probiotics and some are even up to speed on the data using fecal transplant as a restoration tactic, but what if it's simpler than that? What if our theories around diet have been true all along, and the diversity we challenge our patients to achieve, is at the heart of feeding this pertinent organ system that ultimately feeds and nourishes our body? The heart of naturopathy lies within the master of the human microbiome, and the approach we often take in medicine broadly, perturbs the biome. Let's propose a different way, let's work to restore these biomes, exalt them rather than demonize a few bad actors. The goal of my talk is to help providers better understand the intricacies of the microbiome, its impact on health, and how we can best support this incredible organ system. 1 CE (AANP) will be awarded for participating until 2/22/25. This webinar is generously sponsored by Thaena.


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